Knee-Slappin’ Moments of 2018

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#2018… a side-splitting year of hysterical memes and vids we all loved… #VIRAL

In today’s digital culture, when every moment is captured and seamlessly posted online, some seriously rib-tickling moments went down in 2018! Let’s all be real: How much time do you spend looking at memes on Facebook or Instagram? How much time do you spend watching viral vids on YouTube (#MinnieWinnie #WouldYaJustLook@it)?

While the internet is a constantly evolving experiment that we are currently living, the last few years have given rise to “viral” content. The tricky thing about something going viral is, it must take on a life of its own, almost like the plague, you can’t escape it. Usually, because it’s so ridiculous you must send it to everyone you know.

What does it take to make Mindslap’s knee-slappin’ moments of 2018? Well, nothing really. From news bloopers to viral vids and popular memes, our standards are as follows: Anything witty, embarrassing, foolish, laughable, silly, bizarre, cute, or juvenile.

Enjoy this compilation of the absurd and outrageous viral moments we loved in 2018.